Sunday, October 15, 2006

Be all Christian or leave

The new religious right

Not new but as right as rain.
Nobody would be stupid enough to take on
The one true God.
Come on. They tried it and just look at their unburied dead.
Those poor bastards believe NOW!
And the women, too!


Jackson said...

jihadist have killed more people in the last year than the Spanish Inquisition killed in a century and a half. Why are you focusing on Christians? Afraid the Methodist minister might be planning to blow up a library?

chopready said...

You cur! How dare you impugn the right minister of the methodists! Now if you had said Priest..
And where do you get your figgers on the inquisition? For that matter on geehadjis? I'm not saying you're wrong so much as I'm righter.

Anonymous said...

Why. Yooooooo....

yeah ok i made that stuff up but still.