Friday, July 20, 2007

An Experience To Write About

An Experience...

What I saw on the way to the zoo-
Wild animals between the cars,
Cramped into the odd tree
And green spots by the stores,
Hiding in silt of sidewalk cracks
And just plain flying.
At the zoo I saw
More variety in the cages
A little less wild though.
With people all over
The feature attraction,
Out of their cars and almost
Naked in just their clothes,
I sat down knowing mine
Would barely cover my gawking
On the way to the zoo again.


Friday, July 06, 2007

Camp Pain

Camp Pain

Noisey haloes on political pulpits
Glowing about their destinies
Never showing hell they make
Promising to stop ourselves
By force if necessary
"We shall impose new limits"
And "Work to undo our mistakes"
Then each meek vote shall inherit
The worthiest political preacher